UPS Driver Stops Raging Fire While On His Route

UPS Driver Stops Raging Fire On His Route _ everything inspirational

UPS Driver Stops Raging Fire While On His Route

Quick-thinking Paul Pereira, a UPS Driver stops raging fire threatening to engulf a home while residents make it to safety.

Paul Pereira has worked for United Parcel Service 23 years. In that time, he’s never experienced a situation like this. He was finishing his route one Monday evening, when he turned a corner and saw a house porch engulfed in flames.

While there were bystanders gathering, no one had checked to see if anyone was home. Pereira quickly jumped out of his UPS truck and ran to the front door to alert potential residents. In fact, a mother and daughter were in the home, completely unaware that their furniture on the front porch had gone up in flames.  Thanks to Paul’s quick-thinking, they were able to escape the home unharmed.

Pereira’s fast response may have saved lives. As reported by WHAV News, Paul said, “I pulled over real quick and I jetted to the house and started banging on the door, screaming fire, fire, fire.”

UPS Driver Puts Out Raging Fire On His Route _ everything inspirational
But his heroics didn’t end there – He quickly began shouting for a water hose.  Paul leapt into action and began dousing the fire, putting a majority of it out before the firefighters were on the scene!  The neighbors and residents agree that it would have quickly spread and caused major damage to the home without this UPS Driver taking control.

WATCH: UPS Driver Stops Fire On His Route

Pereira told WHAV News he does not consider himself a hero.
“I did my best to limit the damage that was done to the house,” he said.


UPS Driver Stops Raging Fire On His Route _ everything inspirational
credit: Ken Burrows, UPS center manager, and Harvey Hill, Human Resources Director with Pereira  (Cindy Driver photographer for WHAV News.)

Paul Pereira was presented with a Certificate of Recognition by UPS for “going above and beyond” in order to help the customers and community.

Well done, Paul! It is always uplifting to hear stories of every day heroes looking out for one another.


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